Om handstickning. Stort intresse för stickningens historia. Sedan jag hamnat på ett demensboende orkar jag inte skriva som förr. About hand knitting (HK). Have a large interest for knitting history. Since I ended up at a home for senile persons I am not writing as much as before. Most entries will be in both swedish and english.
söndag, december 26, 2010
Elf Slippers - Snabelsocka -toffla
Feeling childish? knit Elf Slippers in sizes from child to adult. download the pdf
Känner du dig barnslig? Sticka Snabelsock- toffla i storlek från barn till vuxen. ladda ner engelsk pdf.
Knitting Iceland OnLine
Excerpts from the site
Iceland has a rich knitting tradition and today knitting is still an intrinsic part of the Icelandic culture. When it comes to knitting, it doesn´t matter whom you speak to, he or she will always have something interesting to tell you about knitting. Chances are that the person is a knitter him- or herself since knitting is intensely popular among the general public.
Our partners:
The Handknitting Association of Iceland was founded in November 1977. A few women, who had used knitting to supplement their families´ income, decided to join forces and established an organization in order to facilitate more extensive marketing of their knitted products. The initial members´ meeting was held in Reykjavík and was attended by close to 1.000. Soon after the Association was established, a store was opened to sell members´ hand knitted woolen goods. The store is a flourishing business in its own right and offers the largest selection of Icelandic yarns from Ístex. Thus, our online store is always well provided !
Tangled Online Proud to be Bi-Craftual
Besök Tangled och hur bra stickat och virkat går att kombinera.
Visit this online novelty. They really are into combining crochet with knit.
lördag, december 25, 2010
Magi? Magic?
söndag, december 05, 2010
Har fått diagnos demens av Alzheimer typ. Det förklarar bl a varför det går allt sämre med att sticka. Det senaste problemet var en tumkil som jag första gången stickade på helt fel sätt. Efter att jag kommit på rätt väg stämde aldrig antalet maskor ena gången för många nästa för få...
Skulle kunnat få diagnosen efter 2006 års undersökning. Har nu 4 år senare fått veta vad undersökningen visade på och det var långt i från bra. Ska få bromsmedicinen Aricept men är tveksam till nyttan. Språket fungerar fortfarande bra och jag vet inte om det är bra eller dåligt. Nackdelen som jag upplever är att folk inte tror på/förstår bristerna i hjärnan och hur svårt jag har att klara det mesta.
Min avsikt med att "gå ut" är inte att tigga medkänsla utan att förklara att det kan bli så att jag tvärt upphör helt att blogga.
Last friday I was diagnosed with Alzheimers. It explains why I have so many problems i.e. when knitting. The latest struggle was a thumb gusset. First I knitted it totally wrong. After finding the right way the amount of stitches either were too many or too few.
In 2006 I went through a very thoroghful investigation and now they look at the result and decide that I really have been living together with Mr A for a long time, but not knowing it until now. Have been offered Aricept, but am a bit hesitant being at least "4 year too late". My language ability is best preserved and it fools some persons as they do not believe or understand the status of my brain and my obsticles.
My intension is not to beg for pity just let you know that it might stop blogging totally w/o any notice.
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