torsdag, april 29, 2010

Tant Gredelin - Auntie Violet

Ni minns väl Elsa Beskows saga "Tant Grön, Tant Brun, Tant Gredelin och Farbror Blå". I och med att jag hade för mycket lila garn och min kära väninna D ville ha stickade sockar, kom jag ihåg. Då sockarna fick godkänt fortsatte jag med tumvantar, mössa och halsvärmare. Mössans mönster finns här English below Elsa Beskow, a swedish author wrote many years ago a children book named "Tant Grön, Tant Brun, Tant Gredelin och Farbror Blå". That means Aunt green, Aunt brown, Aunt violet and Uncle blue. The aunts always was wearing a dress in the same colour... and the uncle always a blue coat. Anyhow, I discowered that I had too much violet in my stash and my dear lady friend D wished knitted socks, she got violet socks. As she was happy about them, I knitted more of the violet yarn, mittens, neckwarmer and a cap. Pattern I found here

3 kommentarer:

RenateS. sa...

Thank you for the comment on my blog and the link to the antique pattern group. As soon as I can I'll have to sign up. What a treat. I couldn't find your e-mail, so I thought I'd put it here. Sorry I never learned Swedish. Renate http://anoldgermansknitblogblogspotcom

Ghislaine sa...

Thank you for comment. I am allso very impressed about drops alpaca and going to buy more. About aunt wearing violet... like your violett mössa og halsvärmare very much. Greetings

Ghislaine sa...

Nice mössan og halsvärmare you have knitted