fredag, december 08, 2006

Att vara för noga

English will follow Jag har stickat mitt första sockpar i alpacka. Garnet ser inte direkt slitstarkt ut, så jag tänkte att det kan behöva förstärkas åtminstone på hälen. Så där tog jag med en sytråd, tyvärr slutade jag inte vid hälen. Hela foten fick förstärkning=sockan blev för trång. Så nu har jag repat upp fram till hälen och stickat fötterna i bara alpacka. Det blev stor skillnad! Foto kommer senare. I have done my first socks in alpaca. This yarn looks so thin and not durable enough, so I decide to add a sewing thread for the heel. When it was done I did not stop with the extra thread=the foot got too narrow and not flexible at all. I have now frogged and re-knitted the feet in only alpacea. The difference is visible. Pix will follow.

3 kommentarer:

Strumpstickan sa...

Prova gåsögeteknik OCH sytråd samtidigt och få dubbel effekt?

junie sa...

Hi! I just stopped by to say hello and check out the action over on your blog.

I have recently started to knit socks. I did a practice pair out of heavier yarn, and now I am fussing with some Trekking sock yarn a friend sent to me. Very neat yarn. It makes a cute pattern. Of course you know that. I am glad that I am fact becoming a SOCK addicted person. Quick knits for times like this before the Holidays.

Thanks for the tour.

junie sa...

Gosh, I mistakenly wrote a post and had to sign in. If you get 2 posts from me, I apologize. Anyway, I am happy to have dropped by and taken a tour of your blog. Very nice. Let me know when you have some pictures of the alpaca socks. Being a new sock knitter, I am curious how all the new yarns look. I am useing some Trekking. Very cool how it stripes itself.
